Camden Works is designed to support employment opportunities in the City of Camden by streamlining the connection between employers and residents seeking jobs. The initiative is designed to leverage resources from various entities to provide training, education and ultimately job placement. By collaborating with employers and assisting residents, we will continue to build pathways for residents to participate in the City’s economic growth.
We engage with residents to support their employment pathways through a variety of services including job-readiness assessments, connecting residents with existing job training resources at non-profit partners, job-readiness and skills development, and other wrap around services to directly support residents through this journey. Camden Works, through Center for Family Services, also provides ongoing case management and follow up with participants even after attaining employment.
The ultimate goal is to link residents to job opportunities consistent with their experience and employment goals and meeting the workforce needs of local employers.
Employer Support
It is our goal for Camden Works to help local employers meet their workforce and hiring needs with a pipeline of job ready workforce candidates. To directly support local employers, we want to develop the necessary relationships to foster the partnership and start the pipeline that individual employers identify. This includes working with employers to learn about the workforce needs in both the short term and long term, understanding the skills and qualifications needed for specific job openings and identifying the positions employers are currently looking to hire.
All of this will allow Camden Works to provide workforce ready candidates to meet the individual employer needs.