Why Camden Works?
Camden Works builds partnerships among city residents, local employers and workforce development agencies.
This partnership allows Camden residents to participate in the city’s growth and prosperity by securing a living wage.

Our goals
1. We will build relationships with employers and workforce development programs
2. We will partner with workforce development programs to match job seeks with local employment opportunities
3. We will monitor and improve the retention of residents employed through Camden Works
How Does it Work?
- Center for Family Services (CFS) will provide case management for Camden Works. The case manager will use their skills in motivational interviewing, trauma-informed care, Mental Health First Aid and career coaching to ensure that residents are prepared for the next stage of the employment process.
- Individuals will be engaged in identifying their own goals and defining success, work one-on-one with the Case Manager to document the design of that pathway in an Individual Employment Plan (IEP) and develop ways to measure, recognize and reward achievements. The Case Manager will support the assessments of basic adult skills, education and interests.
- Once hired, the Case Manager will provide wrap around social services to help residents retain employment.